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The significance of IT in the context of non-digital social enterprises (SEs) and its influence on the viability of such SEs have been less studied themes in information systems research. In the era of ubiquitous IT, SEs have increasing pressures to cope with the ever-dynamic technological domain while balancing their dual objectives. Data from a single revelatory case of Jaipur Rugs (JR), an SE situated in a developing country context (India), is used to fathom the peculiarities of the SE context with a focus on the sociomaterial phenomena of IT emergence. Using the three fundamental notions of sociomateriality theory (relationality, performativity, and practice) this interpretive study understands the mechanisms underlying the SE’s attempt to balance its financial and social sustainability objectives. Through the innovative use of IT, the SE establishes and maintains shared value, yielding stability and efficiency to the business (financial viability) while simultaneously ensuring scalability and effectiveness of their social impact. This study strengthens the perspective of IT as an emergent phenomenon situated in sociomaterial practices and fills a gap in organizational literature by examining such phenomenon in the rich context of SEs where achieving the balance between dual goals is increasingly dependent on non-human (IT) agents.  相似文献   
The study focuses on the research performance of Double First-Class (DFC) universities in China. A theoretical framework based on economic theory and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method for a novel evaluation model is proposed. The model is performed on a sample of 41 participant DFC universities in China. Using data collected from these universities, it was found that there is no consistency between performance ranking, input ranking, and output ranking, with the best ranked universities far from the most efficient. These findings provide empirical evidence of DFC universities’ research performance situation and suggest strategies that the government can use to propel their sustainable development.  相似文献   
针对湖北省设岗"楚天技能名师",从示范辐射效应、打造双师教学团队推进专业建设、深化教学改革提高教学质量、实践工学结合促进校企融合四个方面对楚天技能名师的设岗效应进行分析和介绍。  相似文献   
公共实验平台是高校科研和教学的重要支撑。如何在“双一流”建设的机遇下,以把握学科建设内涵为导向,深化资源配置综合改革,高效发挥平台的服务保障作用、使之成为支撑学科发展、人才引进、科学研究、人才培养及社会服务窗口,是平台建设面临的普遍问题。结合学校公共实验平台的规划建设和管理运行,探索公共实验平台与学科建设、人才培养的最优协同方式,为“双一流”大学的建设与发展提供参考。  相似文献   
创新驱动高质量发展是高等教育发展的未来,也是“双一流”建设质量发展指标研究的关键。在筛选和找出“双一流”建设质量的关键绩效指标(KPI)的基础上,提出了三个步骤的技术路线:一是分析影响因素,且按其重要性进行排列;二是按重要程度不同而精选出关键影响要素和绩效指标;三是更加重视整体研究和相关性研究,促进“以评促建”功能的实现。最后,对其中几个关键绩效指标(KPI)进行较为详细的诠释,包括高等教育毛入学率、生师比、学术声誉调查等。  相似文献   
基于"双一流"建设背景,结合工科专业应用型人才培养实际,从课程内容、教学资源、教学实施及模式等方面,阐述了普通化学课程信息化建设的思路及具体举措。以课程建设促进教学深度变革,利用信息化、数据化手段提升课程品质,体现课程对于"双一流"建设的价值,协同促进一流工科专业的建设与发展。  相似文献   
基于高等学校“双一流”建设和能源学科高层次人才培养的内在需求,针对目前能源学科研究生“双创”教育存在问题,结合中南大学能源科学与工程学院研究生培养现状,分别从培养方案、课程案例、师资队伍、学科竞赛、实践平台、考核方式等方面优化能源学科研究生“双创”教育的路径,提高能源学科研究生的“双创”意识、营造“双创”氛围、构建“双创”教育体系,着力培养具有“双创”能力的能源学科高水平人才,为高等学校工科类专业研究生“双创”教育的探索和拔尖人才的培养提供参考。  相似文献   
端午节在战国时代初步形成,源于古人虔诚的原始信仰。原始信仰是当时节俗传承的足够动力。魏晋时期原始信仰比以前淡化了,端午节传承的原初动力也消弱了,这时人们加入了纪念屈原等历史人物传说来解释端午习俗,为端午节增加了新的文化内涵和习俗。但是由于端午节习俗不重视家庭团聚和祭祀祖先,在契合儒家文化方面不很显著,因而在魏晋以后的儒教时代出现了传承动力不足的问题。到现代社会,端午习俗面临传承危机。但经研究可见到,端午习俗包含着适合现代文化的丰富要素,可以进行适应现代社会的调适、更新。在重视非物质文化遗产保护的社会背景下,它更有了复兴的契机和动力。  相似文献   
产学研结合建设实训基地是高职院校解决实践教学困境的重要途径,建设类五年制高职通过产学研结合探索出建设实训基地的几点举措,并在实践过程中取得了一定的成效。  相似文献   
徐志摩的经典之作《再别康桥》包含了外轻实重的双重结构,其意象有着丰富而深刺的寓意,体现了诗人微妙的灵魂秘密。“再则”是一种诀剐的态度,而此诗则是诗人复杂情感体验与美好生命理想的艺术表现。  相似文献   
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